I never seem to do too well with these blog things... can't quite figure out why but I've decided rather than continually separating all the aspects of my life, why not bring them all together in one spot. So in this blog I'll be writing about my daily life, sharing the images I take, the recipes I'm trying, the adventures I have with my new daughter, and whatever else I might find myself doing or thinking about!
For my first post, I just had to share a rather cool moment from the other night. I was sent out by Three Sixty Photography to work an event where an olympic torch bearer would be making an appearance... after an hour of shooting impromptu portraits, I got the chance to hold the torch myself! Pretty awesome since I didn't get the chance to be an official torch bearer, this is about as close to one of these babies as I'm going to get!
I also have very good intentions to write in my blog but I have found myself extremely delinquent as you can see from my very far in between postings. But...you have a new baby and that is worth blogging and recording because every burp and every poopy diaper is newsworthy and memorable. Goold luck and I will certainly try and follow your blog!!!